
09:30 食早餐,開定電腦
09:45 開了Outlook行事曆,然後將所有場次編號copy and paste到記事本,到時就開住表格係咁copy and paste編號上去
10:00 勁按編號買票的icon,都無反應!廢!
10:02 忍唔住去節目購票,竟然真係已經開始有選買票的pull down list!!先選一張試試
10:03 去到購物籃,試按最後有一格場次編號表睇下可否編號輸入
10:04 開到最強馬力,copy and paste~~
10:06 見到購票籃充滿「貨物」,成功在望!Shit! 買多左一場《黑眼圈》,按 X icon delete先~~
10:08 唔係卦,delete晒!
10:09 再接再勵,再按場次編號表copy and paste copy and paste…
10:10 購物籃依然空蕩蕩…
10:11 再接再勵,再填多次copy and paste copy and paste…
10:12 購物籃依然空蕩蕩…
10:13 「找不到伺服器」Certified!
10:14 ~ 10:20 度度都試下再入番個購票籃
10:21 完全癲狂 – 係網址個pull down list度搵EditCart條link,我個購物籃終於有番野!
10:22 開心只不過係一分鐘,一按下一步就「找不到伺服器」
10:23 完全失望死心,開始同朋友msn鬧個網站
10:50 梳洗,去附近的通利攞書仔,埴表算啦…
11:00 再俾多次機會你,再試!竟然係非常流暢!可能D人全部去左攞書仔…
11:15 成功!過左咭數,copy and paste埋個confirmation第日無飛有得complain
11:25 仲未收到email confirmation… 有少少驚 — 唔通我打錯左個email?
本篇發表於 有感而發。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

4 Responses to 買門票之…白痴

  1. sin5409 說道:

    u better check if your credit card really has the transaction record, i have the same experience as you and when i called the credit card company, there is no such payment, and i cannot even call the HKIFF inc…..i dunno if i should order the ticket again…….HKIFF sucksssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Quentin 說道:

    原來唔係得我一個搞成咁!我都係搞左一輪訂唔到,最後又訂到,同埋未收到confirm email… 好驚訂唔到!我今日電話又打過,有時通,有時唔通,通左就飛你去遺言信箱,但遺言又full左!email又send 過都係無回音!其實佢地有無人返工架?

  3. sin5409 說道:

    to 院長,
    i finally reached them yesterday by 29703300, the staff said they are now processing and checking for all the clients with same situations and will call back to see if my transaction is valid or not.  However when I called again this morning, they are still handling…you can try to call them, but I am prepared to order the tic by mail order…

  4. meow 說道:

    "成功!過左咭數,copy and paste埋個confirmation第日無飛有得complain….仲未收到email confirmation… 有少少驚 — 唔通我打錯左個email?"
    我完完全全同你/你地一樣!! 都唔知係咪不幸中之大幸, check 過銀行已經過數, HKIFF 俾唔到飛我真係唔會放過佢地! 都聽聞佢地而家真係處理緊好多呢類 cases… 今次係我第一次上網購買, 都係希望可以買到心頭好, 唔使好似以往去到 URBTIX 好多場次都已經被人買晒…. 下年真係要好好考慮用邊種方法買飛…. 俾 HKIFF 激死, 仲要嚮上班時間不停打電話打到手軟! >_<

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